Desk clerk

Desk clerk is the person who veries guest reservations; registers guests; assigns rooms; distributes keys; communicates with the housekeeping staff; ...
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The sweet course at the end of a meal. can also refer to the fresh fruit and nuts served in ...
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Detergent is a chemical that acts like a soap and is used for cleaning numerous surfaces. Detergents can be used ...
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Developing employees

Developing employees are the improving the attitudes; knowledge; and skills of employees with a view toward assigning greater responsibilities or ...
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Developing policies

Developing policies are the making decisions that will govern when; where; and how procedures will be implemented. usually of long-standing ...
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Developing strategies

Developing strategies are deciding how and when to achieve certain goals. An activity of planning.
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Development of subordinates

Development of subordinates are the responsibility of management to ensure the professional growth of those placed under the manager.
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Diary System

This is a manual system of reservation. In this system; a daily diary is kept; in which the reservation agent ...
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Dilution control

Dilution control means controlling the mixing of certain all-purpose cleaners with water in prescribed amounts that will enable the performance ...
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Dilution ratio

Dilution ratio are the comparison of the amount of water that is; or must be; added to a specific cleaning ...
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