Credit Limit

A limit assigned by the hotel to guest; company or travel agent accounts.
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Credit manager

A big hotel may have its own credit manager whose function is to check and grant credit. In todays business ...
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Credit memorandum

Credit memorandum is a dummy credit invoice made out by a company prior to receipt of a credit invoice from ...
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Credit-card imprinter

Credit-card imprinter�makes an imprint of the credit card the guest will use as the method of payment.
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Credit-card validator

Credit-card validator is a computer terminal linked to a credit-card data bank that holds Information concerning the customers current balance ...
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Creditor is a person; or company; to whom a firm owes money.
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Crimp: To seal together by making a decorative edge.
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Crisis management

Crisis management is maintaining control of an emergency situation
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Critique are the statement of performance analysis; usually reserved for elements or areas on a performance statement that are not ...
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Refers to the automation; via sophisticated software; of business processes involving existing and prospective customers. CRM ...
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