Confirmed reservations

Confirmed reservations are the�prospective guests who have a reservation for accommodations that is honoured until a specified time.
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Connecting Room

Two or more guest rooms with private connecting door permitting guests access between rooms without their having to go into ...
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Conservatism is a principle of accounting to help ensure sales revenue and assets are not overstated or expenses and liabilities ...
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Consignment Goods

Consignment Goods is the items not paid for by the retailer until they are sold. The retailer can return unsold ...
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Consistency – The degree of density; firmness or solidity of a mixture
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Consistency principle

Consistency principle is a principle of accounting to help ensure that financial statements are comparable from one period to the ...
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Consolidated room sales summary

Consolidated room sales summary are the document prepared by the sales and marketing department of a hotel indicating rooms expected ...
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The combination of two or more corporations to form a new corporation; by purchase; merger or another ownership transfer.�
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Very clear soup made by clarifying a stock and adding a garnish.
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Consumer (market segment)

Consumer (market segment) is a market segment of hotel guests who are not usually on an expense account. for example; ...
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