Company-owned property

Company-owned property is� a hotel that is owned and operated by a chain organization.
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Comparative horizontal analysis

Comparative horizontal analysis is the�comparing financial statements for two or more periods presented so that the change in each account ...
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Competitive shopping

Competitive shopping is looking critically at the alternative sources and suppliers of items and services purchased to support a hotel ...
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A complimentary or ‘comp’ room is an occupied room for which the guest is not charged. A hotel may offer ...
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Complimentary Occupancy Percentage

A ratio that shows the percentage of occupied rooms that are complementary and generate no revenue. calculated by dividing complimentary ...
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Complimentary rate (comp)

Complimentary rate (comp) is a rate for which there is no charge to the guest
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Compositional Requirements

Compositional Requirements is the minimum legal standards for manufactured foods.
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Compound Butter

Compound Butter – Are mixtures of butter and supplementary ingredients. Primarily; they are used to enhance flavour in various dishes; ...
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Computer is an electronic system of hardware components used to store and process data electronically.
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Concentration banking

Concentration banking is a method of accelerating the flow of funds from individual units in a chain operation to the ...
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