Commercial hotels

Commercial hotels are the hotels that provide short-term accommodations for traveling guests.
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Commercial rates

Commercial rates are the room rates for business people who represent a company but do not Necessarily have less bargaining ...
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Commercial Travel

Travel for business purposes; not for pleasure.
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The amount payable to bookers like travel agents; online travel agents (; Expedia; GDS); third party etc. for arranging guest ...
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Common stock

Common stock is a form of stock or shares issued by a company to raise money.
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Common-size vertical statement

Common-size vertical statement is the one financial statement presented with all data in both dollar and percentage figures.
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Communicate is to pass or receive knowledge; instructions; or data and to ensure understanding.
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Communication zones

Communication zones means Personal space. Public distance. Social distance.
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Communications� means the sending and receiving of messages.
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Communications hierarchy

Communications hierarchy is a listing of the order in which management personnel may be called on to take charge in ...
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