Cancellation date

Indicates the date when the reservation was manually cancelled.
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Cancellation Hour

A specific time after which a property may release for sale all unclaimed non-guaranteed reservations; according to property policy.
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Canning is a�method of food preservation in which food is sealed in airtight or vacuum-sealed containers. Generally food is heat-processed ...
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Capital assets

Capital assets are the long-term tangible or intangible assets such as land and buildings.
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Capital budgets

Capital budgets: These allocate the use of capital assets that have a life span considerably in excess of one year; ...
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Capital expenditures

Capital expenditures are the Items costing $500 or more that are not used up in the normal course of operations; ...
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Capital rationing

Capital rationing�occurs when only a limited amount of funds is available for long-term investments during a budget period; and even ...
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Capital stock

Capital stock is the amount of money raised by a company from issuing shares.
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Capital surplus

Capital surplus is the amount of money raised by a company in excess of any par or stated value of ...
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Capitalize means convert an expenditure into a capital item or charge the cost of an item to a capital expenditure ...
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