Trend index

Trend index is in a series of periods of operating results; the result for the first (base) period is given ...
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Trend percentages

Trend percentages is the analysis method that results when the dollar amount between two periods is divided by the dollar ...
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Trend results

Trend results is the business operating results compared for a number of sequential periods.
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Trial balance

Trial balance is a totaling of all debit balances and credit balances in accounts to ensure that total debits equal ...
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Container for all the gratuities received by waiters; which are shared out weekly according to rank.
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Slice cut on the bone from a flat fish such as turbot.
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Very black subterranean fungus used mainly cut into slices as a decoration. Italian truffles are pale cream in colour.
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Tufted or looped carpets

Tufted or looped carpets are the carpet constructed by pulling face fibers through the carpet’s backing to form a thick ...
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Tunnel washer

Tunnel washer is a�long; sequential laundry machine that operates continuously; processing each stage of the wash/rinse cycle and extracting in ...
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Slices of fish or meat and forcemeat moulded and cooked in a ring-mould.
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