
A guest room floor configuration in which rooms are grouped around a central vertical core.
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Trade-in value

Trade-in value is the scrap or cash value of an asset at the time its useful life is over or ...
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Trademark (trade name)

Trademark (trade name) is a�word; phrase; jingle; or symbol�that identifies a particular enterprise or product.
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Transaction is�a business event requiring an entry in the accounting records.
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Transient Hotel

Lodging operation that caters primarily to business people. transient hotels tend to be busiest Monday through Thursday.
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Travel Agent

Travel Agent who receives the commission for the bookings given to the hotel.�A travel agency can also be a private ...
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Travel Agent Voucher

Travel Agent Voucher is the document used by the travel agent to instruct the Hotel to provide accommodation or meals ...
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Travel Club

A type of travel agency that charges an annual fee to its members and in return offers packaged vacations to ...
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Travel Desk

Transportation personnel – person who provide transportation services for guests.
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Treasury stock

Treasury stock is a corporation s own stock that has been issued, fully paid for, and reacquired by the corporation but not ...
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