
Surfactants are Synthetic detergents often contain surfactants; chemicals that aid soil removal and act as antibacterial agents and fabric softeners.
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Sweat – To cook in a small amount of fat or oil over low heat.
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Syneresis – The release of liquid from a gel.
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Synthetic detergents

Synthetic detergents are especially effective on oil and grease. Builders or alkalies are often added to synthetic detergents to soften ...
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System Down

System Down is the duration of time when the computer is shut; and the hotel staff is unable to perform ...
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Systems Manager

A systems manager is not depicted in Illustration above. Since the various accounting functions cover the entire hotel operation; the ...
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T account

T account is a simplified form of account in the shape of a T; with account title on top; debit ...
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Very pungent pepper-sauce sold in small bottles.used mainly to flavour a sauce or cocktail.
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Table d’hote

Table d’hote (Buffet Menu) – A Menu that offers several courses at one fixed price. Generally; know as buffet menu.
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Table Turn Rate

Table Turn Rate – The Average amount of time that a table is occupied.
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