Steam cabinet

Steam cabinet is a�box in which articles are hung and steamed to remove wrinkles. Steam cabinets are typically used to ...
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Steam Cooker

Steam Cooker is a�pot or enclosed cabinet into which steam is introduced for cooking or heating. A steam cooker may ...
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Steam tunnel

Steam tunnel is a�piece of laundry equipment that moves articles on hangers through a tunnel; steaming them and removing the ...
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Steamed – Cooked in steam.
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Stew: Long; slow cooking in liquid or syrup.
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Stir: Mixing ingredients gently; using a circular motion with a spoon or whisk to ensure even cooking and to prevent ...
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Stock dividend

Stock dividend is a�pro rata distribution of the corporations own stock to stockholders.
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Stock redemption

Stock redemption is the purchase by a company of shares that it had originally sold to investors or stockholders.
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Stock split

Stock split is the issuance of additional shares of stock to�stockholders accompanied by a reduction in the par or stated ...
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Stock-to-Sales Ratio

Stock-to-Sales Ratio The beginning-of-month (BOM) inventory divided by sales for the month. The average stock-to-sales ratio is 12 divided by ...
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