Salvage value

Salvage value� is an estimate of an assets value at the end of its useful life.
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Side dishes served as accompaniments with curried meat.
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These lodging properties are mostly found at popular pilgrimage places. They are generally constructed by welfare trusts; social organisation; or ...
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SaaS (Software as a Service) Refers to the practice of providing users with software applications that are hosted on remote ...
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Satin weave

Satin weave are the type of weave in which warp threads interlace with filling threads to produce a smooth faced ...
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Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat are the Fats in which all carbons contain a hydrogen; and therefore; no double bonds exist. In general; ...
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Sauce – A Flavourful liquid; usually thickened which is used to enhance the flavour and give moisture to food.
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Sauerkraut (sau-erkraut) – It’s a ‘sour cabbage’ dish which is finely cut raw cabbage that has been fermented by various ...
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Sauté – To brown a food item quickly in a very little fat or oil.
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Sauteed – Browned in a small amount of oil or fat. �
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