
A guest room that being held under an individual or business’ name at a particular hotel for a specific date ...
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The guest who is staying in the hotel.
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Resident Manager

The manager in charge of the rooms division in amid-size to a large hotel. Sometimes resident managers are also in ...
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Residential Hotel

As the name suggests; residential hotels provide accommodation for a longer duration. These hotels are generally patronised by people who ...
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Residual value

Residual value�is the estimated value of a physical long-lived asset at the end of its estimated useful life for depreciation ...
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Resilient floor

Resilient floor is a�type of floor that reduces noise and is considered easier to stand and walk on than hard ...
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A hotel; usually located in a desirable vacation spot; that offers fine dining; exceptional service; activities unavailable at most other ...
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Resort hotel

Resort hotel is generally one that has extensive recreational facilities.
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Responsibility accounting

Responsibility accounting is a method of accounting in which department heads or managers are made responsible for the departmental profit ...
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Retail Chain

Retail Chain is a�firm that consists of multiple retail units under common ownership and usually has some centralization of decision-making ...
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