Price variance

Price variance is the difference between budgeted price and actual price.
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Price/earnings ratio

Price/earnings ratio is for a company whose shares are publicly traded; market price per share divided by earnings per share.
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Primary backing

Primary backing are the part of the carpet to which face fibers are attached and which holds these fibers in ...
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Prime�is the highest grade of beef; which; in a given year; is typically awarded to less than 2% of the ...
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Early vegetables such as baby carrots and turnips and the first-grown peas and beans.
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Prior period adjustment

Prior period adjustment is the correction of an error in previously�issued financial statements.
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Privately held corporation

Privately held corporation is a�corporation that has only a few�stockholders and whose stock is not available for sale to the�general ...
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Pro forma

Pro forma is the forecast or tentative figures. a budgeted income statement is a pro forma statement.
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Product differentiation

Product differentiation is� a method of presenting a product or service in a different way from competitors; for example; by ...
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Product Lifecycle

Product Lifecycle is the prediction of the life of a product or brand. Stages are described as Introduction; Growth; Maturity ...
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