
Partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit.
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Pasteurized – Partial sterilization of a substance; particularly a liquid; at a temperature and for a length of time sufficient ...
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Pasteurization is the process of heating a food to a sufficient degree and length of time so as to destroy ...
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Hot or cold pie; with or without a crust; with any kind of filling. or a paste as pate de ...
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Patent is an exclusive right issued by the U.S. Patent Office�that enables the recipient to manufacture; sell; or otherwise� control ...
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Pathogen – Is an infectious microorganism such as a virus; bacterium; protozoa; prion; or fungus.�
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Long fillet of fish or meat; spread with forcemeat and rolled up and cooked (a beef olive can be made ...
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Cake made of meringue with cream and fruit filling. of Australasian origin.
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Persons or Guests
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Pay Master Room

A Virtual or dummy room used for posting incidental charges; banquet charges; group charges; passerby chargers; Point of sale Card; ...
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