Operating department

Operating department is a department concerned with a particular segment of a business such as rooms or food.
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Operating expenditures

Operating expenditures are the costs incurred in order to generate revenue in the normal course of doing business.
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Operating leverage

Operating leverage is the relationship between fixed and variable expenses. high fixed expenses compared to variable expenses indicate high operating ...
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Operating ratios

Operating ratios is the key business ratios (such as restaurant seat turnover and guest room occupancy percentage) that are often ...
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Operating time period

Operating time period is the period of time for which a business reports the financial condition and profitability of its ...
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Operational effectiveness

Operational effectiveness is the ability of a manager to control costs and meet profit goals.
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Operational reports

Operational reports are the operational data on critical financial aspects of hotel operations.
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Opportunity cost

Opportunity cost is the cost of not doing something. If a company does not invest surplus cash; the interest income ...
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Optimal occupancy

Optimal occupancy means achieving 100 percent occupancy with room sales that will yield the highest room rate.
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Optimal room rate

Optimal room rate�is�a room rate that approaches the rack rate.
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