On Change

On-change: The guest has departed; but the room has not yet been cleaned and readied for re-sale.
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On Request

Status of a room wherein a personal reservation in made subject to confirmation at a later date.
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On-line . operational and connected to the main computer system.
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A guest has arrived at the hotel; but the room assigned is not yet ready. In such cases; the room ...
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Online Reservation System

An internet-based system used by hotels that allow prospective hotel guests to check availability and make reservations at the hotel.
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Online Travel Agents

OTA � Online Travel Agency What is the meaning/definition of OTA; in the hospitality industry? OTA stands for Online Travel ...
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Out-of-order: The room cannot be assigned to a guest. A room may be out-of-order for a variety of reasons including ...
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Out of Service (OOS ): Rooms kept under out of service are not deducted from the hotel inventory. This is ...
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Operating activities

Operating activities is type of cash flow activity involving the primary objective of the businesss production of sales revenue inflows ...
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Operating budget

Operating budget is a budget concerned with sales revenue and/or expenses.
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