
These hotels offer modest services without the frills and personalized attention of luxury hotels; and appeal to the largest segment ...
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Mid-Range Service

A modest but sufficient level of service that appeals to the largest segment of the travelling public. A mid-range property ...
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Mildewcides are the laundry chemicals added to the wash cycle to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus on linens ...
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Flaky gateau of layers of puff pastry; jam and cream; covered and feathered with fondant icing.
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Mineral is a solid homogeneous crystalline chemical element or compound that results from the inorganic processes of nature having a ...
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The Mini Bar services is a apart from the Room Service. The Mini-bar crews are responsible for cleaning drinking glasses; ...
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Mini-Club is a�smaller version of the wholesale club; it generally carries 40% less inventory and focuses on food items.
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Minimum quantity

Minimum quantity is the fewest number of purchase units that should be in stock at any given time.
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When guests expected exceed rooms available.
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Mirepoix (meer-pwah) – Mixture of vegetables; herbs; and spices used to enhance the flavour of meat; fish and shellfish dishes. ...
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