Matching principle

Matching principle�is�a principle of accrual accounting relating expenses to the sales revenue earned during a period regardless of when the ...
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Those reservations where a guest actually arrives at the hotel. Example 100 expected arrival and 5 were cancelled or no-show ...
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Materiality concept

Materiality concept is the significance of an item in relation to the total business. If an item is not significant,other ...
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Maximum quantity

Maximum quantity is the greatest number of purchase units that should be in stock at any given time.
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Thick cold basic sauce made of egg yolks; oil and vinegar; for serving with cold eggs; fish; vegetables;etc.
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Meal Plan

Room and meal package; examples of a meal plan or plan are CP; MAP; AP etc.
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Thin round escalope of fish or meat.
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The list of dishes on offer in a restaurant. those ready prepared are on the table dh6te side; those cooked ...
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Menu Cycle

Menu Cycle . In restaurants; the set rotation of a particular menu. Typically; menu rotation occurs every four to five ...
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Menu engineering

Menu engineering is a method of menu analysis that combines each menu item s contribution margin (gross profit) with its ...
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