
Small pieces of fish or meat; with onion; tomato;bay leaf; etc.; threaded on a skewer and grilled. another name for ...
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A mixture of flaked smoked haddock; hard-boiled egg; rice; etc. served as a breakfast or supper dish. sometimes served with ...
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Key Card

A plastic card; resembling a credit card; used in place of a metal key to open a guest room door. ...
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Key clerk

Key clerk is a person who issues keys to registered guests and other hotel personnel and sorts incoming mail for ...
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Key control

Key control is the process of reducing guest and property theft and other security related incidents by carefully monitoring and ...
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Key control program

Key control program are the plan or control for the prevention of loss of keys used by employees in the ...
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Key drawer

Key drawer is a drawer located underneath the counter of the front desk that holds room keys in slots in ...
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Key fob

Key fob�is�a decorative and deive plastic or metal tag attached to a hard key.
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Key pouch

Key pouch are the leather container for storing keys. Pouch usually contains an identifying mark or number to facilitate easy ...
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Key Rack

Key Rack is a�rack that is used to placed the room keys.
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