
Definition of Issuing in Hotel Industry? Issuing is the process of distributing inventory items from the storeroom to authorized individuals ...
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A ham such as a fine cooked York ham or a smoked Parma ham; cut into thin slices.
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Jardiniere – The French term meaning the serving of a food item garnished with vegetables.
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Job Description

Job deion is a detailed list identifying all the key duties of a job as well as reporting relationships; additional ...
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Joint cost or expense

Joint cost or expense is one that is shared by more than one department.
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Journal is the accounting record summarizing business transactions as they occur prior to posting the information�to the individual accounts.
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Journal entry

Journal entry is the recording of a business transaction in a journal.
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Thin gravy as made from the drippings of a roast joint; or a thickened sauce known as jus lie.
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Jus Lie

Jus Lie – A French term referring to meat juice that has been lightly thickened with either arrowroot or cornstarch.
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K-Minus is a slang for a food service establishment that has no kitchen. Typically; food is prepared by a central ...
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